Scientific studies show that there is an evolution in the child's sense of taste before birth. This development is not specific to humans alone, nor is it limited to learning the sense of taste while they are at the mercy of their mothers.
The tests show that mothers who consume garlic heavily during pregnancy, their children are more likely to eat garlic after birth, according to the BBC.
But how does a child taste in the womb of his mother?
It is thought to be amniotic fluid. The child begins to swallow water after 10 weeks and is also thought to get some flavors through this liquid.
In addition, some flavors may pass directly from the mother's mouth to the blood, and then mixed with it and then pass to the baby's blood, especially for flavors such as garlic, which can be said to apply to light flavors.
Experiments suggest that mothers who drink carrot and water juice in the last 3 months of pregnancy and their first lactation period tend to have significantly more foods that contain carrots than children of mothers who drink only water.
Although this may seem trivial, it is not. In fact, senses of taste and smell are generally among the things that a child must acquire before moving in the womb.
Experts say the baby gets used to the taste of milk through its flavors 30 weeks before birth, adding that problems may occur if the child experiences a different taste.
Therefore, the period of learning within the mother's womb is a very important process for all mammals, and it is believed that this property grows very sophisticated; it aims to ensure that the child knows his mother and also ensures that food is delivered to him safely.
Experiments show that small birds can distinguish sounds from each other before they leave the eggs. For humans, the subject of voice recognition requires little training, in addition to instinct.
Learn languages very early
In an attempt by psychologist Athena Volo Munos (from New York University) to learn how to begin learning languages early, this experience has shown that it is difficult to identify a child's skills in learning the language while he is at the mercy of his mother.
The reactions of the child were seen, such as stale sounds and some spoken words.
Children were given antennas containing a pressure sensor. The children sucked the pacifiers hard when they heard clear words, and they slowed down when they listened to meaningless words.
It was noted that they prefer to hear clear words; so children start sucking the mouths strongly as a reaction to them, and it was concluded that this property can not come by learning; it is an innate skill.
At the same time, it turned out that babies preferred the spoken language of their parents, and that was the thing that should have been known.
Volumos said babies who listen only to English begin to suck very harshly, as do French children when they listen to French, meaning that children know their mother tongue.
For mothers who spoke two languages, children gave the same reaction when they heard the two languages.
Can a child learn some music before birth?
In a Finnish experience, a group of pregnant women in the final stages of their pregnancy heard their children every day playing the song "While We Live Among Our Mothers" and the second group did not listen to these melodies.
After birth, it was observed whether there was a reaction or not from the children, when making minor changes in the melody.
During their sleep, the signals coming from different areas of their heads were measured by the electrodes installed on them.
The children who heard the melodies in their mothers' womb found that they gave strong reactions, even if the melody was wrong.
However, experts advise cautioning against the various devices sold in the market to teach children things in the womb of their mothers.
The development of certain senses in humans as well as in mammals and even in fish, frogs, salamanders and birds before they come to earth - is very important.
Thus, properties that ensure that organisms survive, such as safe food delivery, the ability to recognize the mother, and attention to everything that goes on in the environment, evolve.
The tests show that mothers who consume garlic heavily during pregnancy, their children are more likely to eat garlic after birth, according to the BBC.
But how does a child taste in the womb of his mother?
It is thought to be amniotic fluid. The child begins to swallow water after 10 weeks and is also thought to get some flavors through this liquid.
In addition, some flavors may pass directly from the mother's mouth to the blood, and then mixed with it and then pass to the baby's blood, especially for flavors such as garlic, which can be said to apply to light flavors.
Experiments suggest that mothers who drink carrot and water juice in the last 3 months of pregnancy and their first lactation period tend to have significantly more foods that contain carrots than children of mothers who drink only water.
Although this may seem trivial, it is not. In fact, senses of taste and smell are generally among the things that a child must acquire before moving in the womb.
Experts say the baby gets used to the taste of milk through its flavors 30 weeks before birth, adding that problems may occur if the child experiences a different taste.
Therefore, the period of learning within the mother's womb is a very important process for all mammals, and it is believed that this property grows very sophisticated; it aims to ensure that the child knows his mother and also ensures that food is delivered to him safely.
Experiments show that small birds can distinguish sounds from each other before they leave the eggs. For humans, the subject of voice recognition requires little training, in addition to instinct.
Learn languages very early
In an attempt by psychologist Athena Volo Munos (from New York University) to learn how to begin learning languages early, this experience has shown that it is difficult to identify a child's skills in learning the language while he is at the mercy of his mother.
The reactions of the child were seen, such as stale sounds and some spoken words.
Children were given antennas containing a pressure sensor. The children sucked the pacifiers hard when they heard clear words, and they slowed down when they listened to meaningless words.
It was noted that they prefer to hear clear words; so children start sucking the mouths strongly as a reaction to them, and it was concluded that this property can not come by learning; it is an innate skill.
At the same time, it turned out that babies preferred the spoken language of their parents, and that was the thing that should have been known.
Volumos said babies who listen only to English begin to suck very harshly, as do French children when they listen to French, meaning that children know their mother tongue.
For mothers who spoke two languages, children gave the same reaction when they heard the two languages.
Can a child learn some music before birth?
In a Finnish experience, a group of pregnant women in the final stages of their pregnancy heard their children every day playing the song "While We Live Among Our Mothers" and the second group did not listen to these melodies.
After birth, it was observed whether there was a reaction or not from the children, when making minor changes in the melody.
During their sleep, the signals coming from different areas of their heads were measured by the electrodes installed on them.
The children who heard the melodies in their mothers' womb found that they gave strong reactions, even if the melody was wrong.
However, experts advise cautioning against the various devices sold in the market to teach children things in the womb of their mothers.
The development of certain senses in humans as well as in mammals and even in fish, frogs, salamanders and birds before they come to earth - is very important.
Thus, properties that ensure that organisms survive, such as safe food delivery, the ability to recognize the mother, and attention to everything that goes on in the environment, evolve.
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